EINUMM President
Dr Dimitris Tsoukalas is one of the few physicians worldwide to have acquired the experience in the clinical application of metabolomics.
Dr Dimitris Tsoukalas is one of the few physicians worldwide to have acquired the experience in the clinical application of metabolomics.
Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Verona. Diploma of Specialization in Pediatrics at the same University with address in Allergology and Pediatric Pneumology.
After graduating in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Brescia, he embarked on a specialization course in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry at the same university, he is currently a partner with the Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology. He cultivates a passion for Human Nutrition, Food Integration and Endocrinology also in the sports field. His interventions are requested in the most prestigious conferences on laboratory medicine, nutrition and functional medicine.