drTsoukalasPresident of EINUMM

Dr Dimitris Tsoukalas is expert in chronic diseases and metabolic disorders and is one of the few physicians worldwide to have acquired the experience in the clinical application of metabolomics.

He is currently the President of the European Institute of Metabolomic Medicine, a Member of The American College for the Advancement in Medicine, The American College for Advancement in Medicine, Academy of Sciences of New York, Athens Medical Association, The Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi di Treviso Veneto, The Obesity Society (American Society of Obesity) The International Academy of Detoxification Specialists The American Holistic Medicine Association, The American Nutrition Association, The World Anti-Aging Medical Association.
Harvard Medical School Course in Gen. & Internal Medicine for Sub Specialists, GIMSS


Graduated from the Universita’ degli Studi di Napoli, Federico II, Medical School, in 1991.

Completed his Specialty in General & Family Medicine at the Hippokration University Hospital in 2000 and was awarded the highest recognition and Honorable Mention by the Greek Ministry of Health, for his contribution in Primary Health Care.

He is currently the President of the European Institute of Metabolomic Medicine.
Since 2012 has been honored with the presidency of the European INstitUte of Molecular Medicine.

Completed the Harvard Medical School Update Course in General & Internal Medicine for subspecialist in 2013.

Was a member of the scientific council of Farsight Bioscience together with Prof. Dr Andrew David Miller of KIngs College London. The FB is a biotechnology research company in Metabolic Disorders, Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Diseases. The Farsight Bioscience was awarded as the best biotechnology company in 2011 in Western Europe.

Dr. Tsoukalas collaborates with biotechnology research centers and scientists such as Dr. W. Andrews, Ph.D, who discovered the enzyme telomerase (see Nobel Prize for Medicine 2009); the Spectracell Laboratory in Houston, U.S., that carried out in collaboration with the Texas University pioneering molecular biology tests that achieved the measurement of biological parameters within human cells, and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) certified lab for Metabolic Disorders, Neolab.

He has more than twenty years of clinical experience in the management of chronic diseases and is the first doctor in Europe that applied metabolomics in clinical practice. He is currently running two clinics for Chronic Diseases and Metabolic Disorders in Italy and Greece.

Dr. Tsoukalas has appeared in National TV, on issues related nutritional medicine, chronic diseases, autoimmunity and prevention. His articles are frequently published in the scientific and news press.

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